Hacks for a Vital, Healthy Lifestyle

There are so many people out there who try diets in the New Year or suddenly find the need to make drastic changes to get rid of extra holiday weight. We’ve talked a lot about how most diets don’t work. They aren’t realistic, and people give up. 

Being personal trainers and holistic lifestyle coaches, we have seen many training techniques and diet fads come and go. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there.

So we want to hit the refresh button and provide you with a few fitness tips for healthy living as we recover from the holidays and move forward into a healthy 2024.

1. Avoid Sugar!

Especially avoid “added sugars”.  Read the label. All that sugar is wreaking havoc on our bodies. It’s like crack! Oh, and those fat-free desserts and sodas with extra sugar are actually stimulating you to eat and drink more resulting in weight gain. 

2. Avoid Processed Foods.

Processed foods are chemically manufactured to taste amazing, making them addictive. It creates over eating of food with low or no nutritional value… just calories! You can recognize them by reading your labels. The ingredients will show a list of chemicals, many that you can’t pronounce and have never heard of before. 

3. Stop Eating Before You Are Full.

Portion control is key. Eat until you are 75% full.  Regular overeating will stretch the stomach, causing you to eat more, more often.

4. Give Yoga and Meditation a Try.

It makes a difference when the body is flexible and limber. It helps reduce pain, the chances of injury, helps you feel younger, move better and relieves stress.

5. Drink More Water.

I know we say this often and there’s a good reason. It’s important! Drinking water helps curb the appetite, hydrates the body, and nourishes from the inside out. Aim for half your body weight in ounces per day. If you weigh 150 pounds, that’s 75 ounces a day!! Yes, the math is right.

6. Do Interval Training.

Interval training, like our HIT classes, boost the metabolism, burn fat, and build full body strength.

7. Use Heavier Weights.

Weight training 2-4 times per week puts muscle on your body, makes it stronger, and increases its ability to be more functionally strong and love a longer more full life and believe it not to burn more fat and change your body shape and composition.  Try our SPT classes!

8. Supplement

Most of us don’t get sufficient vitamins and minerals from food alone so it is not a bad idea to supplement with a quality multivitamin, and fish oil is the best way to get omega-3's into your diet.

The key is to keep it simple and be consistent. Plan for success. If you need help, consider joining our upcoming Eat Clean program. Our 21-day nutrition boot camp will teach you how to eat clean, cutting out those processed and sugary foods. During the program, you will discover the best way to feed your body to lose weight, have more energy, and even get better sleep. The program kicks off on Monday so there is still time to join and commit to a healthier, more vital 2024. 


What to Eat Pre- and Post-Workouts


Continuous Self Development