ReVITALize: Secrets of an Ageless Human

Do you feel like…

  • You are tired of fad dieting?

  • It is more challenging to get the “little extra” off of your waist?

  • You don’t want to accept, “well that just happens with age”?

  • You are tired of being tired?

  • You want to exercise more, but are not sure what to do?

  • You are ready to put yourself first and take some time for you?

  • You want to feel better, move better, and have more energy?

Don't worry, you're not alone... most of our clients come to us with these same fears and frustrations. Success comes with planning, structure, and guidance.

We specialize in programs for busy people that understand that to slow the impacts of aging, and increase daily energy and vitality, you must take a holistic approach to health and fitness.

ReVITALize: Secrets of an Ageless Human 

Our comprehensive 90-Day ReVITALize program will help you to create sustainable habits for a full healthy lifestyle. It is a combination of weekly coaching and accountability sessions, a personalized nutritional plan, exercise classes and practices to build a strong mental mindset for success.

There is no time like the present to establish the practices that are essential to living a vital life! It’s not the number of years we have lived that is most important, but the quality of the life with which we fill those years.

ReVITALize has six essential pillars to ageless living:

  1. Mindset - Setting goals, building habits and create a positive way of being

  2. Food - Finding the proper balance of your protein, fat, and carbs for energy and vitality

  3. Movement - Easy routines with proper and safe form 

  4. Breath - For stress reduction, energy and focus

  5. Rest - Techniques for improving sleep

  6. Self-Care - Learn products that support well-being

Being part of a like-minded group will support your success, enhance accountability, and build your commitment to living healthfully.

ReVITALize - A full transformation from your own home

✓ Six group virtual coaching sessions recorded for later on-demand viewing for 90 days
✓ Six coaching Life Lab Q&A Sessions
✓ Personalized Primal Pattern Diet to determine optimal macronutrient balance of carbs, proteins, and fats
✓ Exclusive access to an online portal for your home exercise program
✓ Strategies for building healthy habits
✓ Personalized food log with recipes for success
✓ Membership to a private Slack group for Coaching Accountability

✓ PLUS Weekly Virtual Fitness Classes

ReVITALize VIP Membership - Includes In- studio Personal Training

Get the full VIP Membership of the 90-Day ReVITALize program PLUS ALL of the bonuses…

✓ Weekly Virtual Fitness Classes


✓ 24 Shared Personal Training Sessions for 90 days

We have two ways to ReVITALize!


I'm Lisa Priestly. With more than 25 years in the health and fitness business, as holistic coach and integrated movement specialist, I can speak from experience about the concept of ageless living. One of my greatest fitness achievements is being the first African-American woman to complete the Race Across America (RAAM), the toughest cycling race in the world. Then, I had to face the toughest race of my life. At 54 years old I had open-heart surgery for a heart defect that I didn’t even know I had. Afterward, I was had to start again and rebuild my fitness from the ground up. It is now a shared experience with clients that have had to start over or start again.  I am inspired to empower people to choose a life with more energy, vitality, and increased longevity. I will coach anyone ready to take that journey for their health and fitness.

The flow of the program:

ReVITALize Includes:

  • Weekly coaching sessions on Wednesdays at 6 pm recorded for later on-demand viewing for 120 days

  • Weekly virtual exercise classes with the Studio in the Heights Team

  • Weekly 30 min Manifest Monday at 6 pm to set your focus for the week

  • The VIP Program (only) adds twice a week - In-Studio Shared Personal Training Sessions (SPT)

  • Exclusive access to an online portal for your home exercise program

  • Personalized Primal Pattern Diet to determine optimal macronutrient balance of carbs, proteins, and fats for your biochemical individuality

  • Strategies for building healthy habits

  • Personalized food logs 

  • Delicious healthy recipes

  • Membership to a private Slack group for Coaching Accountability

Studies show that we reduce the risk of premature aging by establishing simple, but consistent habits. Studies also share that it’s not just motivation, but environment and community are what it takes to shift our behaviors. Join our community and we can build and maintain vitality, energy, strength, and confidence.

While this program was started for women and taught by Coach Lisa – the program has done so well transforming the health habits of our participants that we wanted to extend enrollment to all people to be ageless. Ageless living doesn’t just mean turning back the clock to look and feel more energetic and youthful. It’s about creating the knowledge, habits, mindset, and workout routines that help you to age gracefully so that you stay in great shape year after year.

BONUS: Priest will also be joining as one of the Coaches!

Hear from Laurie

Hear from Margaret

Hear from Anne

Be a ReVITALize VIP member  - To level up your results and have a more comprehensive program with Nutrition + Exercise

If you want a full body transformation, then the ReVITALize VIP membership is for you.  This program includes twice a week Shared Personal Training (SPT) - 24 sessions to use during the 90-Day program. 

This will accelerate your results! You will have proper weightlifting techniques, and build strength to increase results, plus the virtual classes. It will give you 2 - 4 days of guided exercise to build a solid foundation for strength, posture, and injury prevention. Your trainer and group will keep you accountable and push you to reach your goals. 

More about SPT: The sessions offer an in-person strength circuit designed to target major muscle groups. The sessions are 45 minutes long and limited to 4 people, so participants receive personal attention and can move at their own pace. Because of this, these sessions can accommodate all levels. If you’ve never lifted weights before, or if you’re serious about pumping iron—either way, this class is for you.

Choose your Commitment!

When you join ReVITALize, you will receive:
🗸 Weekly Virtual Fitness Classes
🗸 Customized Nutritional plan
🗸 Coaching for building the habits that will serve you for a lifetime

When you join to be a ReVITALize VIP member, you will receive:
🗸 Weekly Virtual Fitness Classes
🗸 24 Shared Personal Training sessions to use in the 90 days
🗸 Customized Nutritional plan
🗸 Coaching for building the habits that will serve you for a lifetime

Our next program will start in Fall of 2024.

If you are READY to join a group for sustainable and permanent change and live your best life… Contact me NOW to see if you are a fit for the program.

In order to ensure results, limited spots are available. Set up your call now to save your spot with Early Bird pricing!