Continuous Self Development

This week has been packed with goal setting and thinking about the future. The quest for continuous improvement through self-development is both an internal and external process. 

To realize our potential and stick with goals for the long-term, we need an effective system to hold ourselves accountable and find the room for growth. Adopting the proper mindset gives us the opportunity to break the status quo and push ourselves to greater limits. 

An effective system allows us to take the small and consistent steps that lead to significant results over time. Continuous improvement is the adventure upon which we embark. It is a process that keeps us moving forward. As we progress through each stage, we keep the wheel turning. When we achieve a goal, we acknowledge our success and plan for the next one. 

The Strategy

Plan: Set the stage for improvement by defining an achievable goal.
Act: Take the actions required to reach that goal. 
Assess: Measure success relative to the goal. 
Adjust: Tweak the new plan based on previous results.

Regardless of what we have achieved so far, there is always the next peak to conquer. This is the adventure. It is a continuous process and we, at Studio in the Heights, are honored to share this journey with you.


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