Untangle Your Muscle Tension
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Untangle Your Muscle Tension

Feeling tight, sore, or stressed? Let’s talk Myofascial Release!

Read on to learn what it is and how it can benefit you after your workouts!

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Unlocking the FUN in Functional Fitness
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Unlocking the FUN in Functional Fitness

Mobility training focuses on improving the range of motion of the joints and muscles and increasing strength through those end ranges. It is essential for enhancing functional movement, reducing the risk of injury, and improving athletic performance.

Click through to learn more about the benefits of mobility training!

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Everyone Has a Day One
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Everyone Has a Day One

The truth is, the hardest part about working out is getting started. To start - just show up. Let our coaches take it from there. You will meet people, get stronger, and build momentum to get to your goals. After a while, it will become second nature and you will look back, proud that you took the first step. Click through to read more!

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Make the Most of Your Workouts
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Make the Most of Your Workouts

Here at the Studio, we want you to be able to make the most of your workout time. One of the best ways to help make sure that happens is by planning out your before and after workout routines.

Read on to learn some fundamental guidelines that you can implement before and after your workouts to maximize your results.

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Finding Balance in Your Physical Activity
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Finding Balance in Your Physical Activity

Balance is about bringing things into harmony, whether that be related to the right amount of work and leisure, the right amount of exercise and rest, or our physical equilibrium allowing us to stay upright. At Studio in the Heights we aim to strike a balance through our 3 circles: fitness, fuel, and focus (or eat clean, train hard, and live true).

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Dancer Pose
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Dancer Pose

In yoga we use Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. Natarajasana, meaning "King Dancer Pose", is a posture of a dance of bliss. It is a position of strength, balance, and focus.

It is also a posture that some people tend to shy away from. It feels like it includes all the hard things about yoga: It's a backbend - standing on one leg - while challenging your stability and your core. Phew, that’s a lot!

Click through to read more about Dancer Pose!

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Winter Hydration: Why It Matters More Than You Think
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Winter Hydration: Why It Matters More Than You Think

When the weather turns chilly, it’s easy to forget about drinking water. But staying hydrated in winter is just as important as in the sweltering heat of summer—maybe even more so.

Read on to learn why and see our top tips for staying hydrated in the winter!

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Continuous Self-Development
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Continuous Self-Development

It seems like all anyone has been talking about this week is goal setting, resolutions, and what they want to do differently in 2025. The quest for continuous improvement through self-development is both an internal and external process that you can start any time - though we appreciate that there is something about the new year that feels like a good time to start. 

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The Studio’s Year in Review
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

The Studio’s Year in Review

As we wrap up 2024 and prepare for some exciting changes and improvements in 2025, we want to thank you, our health fitness community, for your continued support. We appreciate each and every one of you, whether we see you in the Studio, you join us virtually for our online classes and programs, or you simply enjoy our emails every week. All of your support matters.

Read on to see all the ways we supported our community in 2024.

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Fitness Trainer Pet Peeves
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Fitness Trainer Pet Peeves

Today is Festivus and it’s time for our airing of grievances! Read on to see our top fitness trainer pet peeves.

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Easy Swaps for a Cleaner, Healthier New Year
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Easy Swaps for a Cleaner, Healthier New Year

We often discuss that you don’t need to wait for the new year (or a new day, or a new week, or a new anything) to make positive changes in your life. But we also appreciate that the new year is a realistic time to evaluate how you’ve been doing and set some simple goals to feel better going forward.

Read on to learn eight easy ways to start 2025 with a cleaner, healthier vibe.

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Find Your Joy This Season!
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Find Your Joy This Season!

It’s the first Friday in December, and we’re deep into the season of hustle: packed schedules, to-do lists that never end, and the pressure to make everything perfect.

Can we be real for a second?

Burnout is lurking around every corner, and frustration feels like it’s on speed dial.

But here’s the thing—while exhaustion is valid, it doesn’t have to steal the light from your holiday season.

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Choose Gratitude
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Choose Gratitude

Energy in, energy out. 
Garbage in, garbage out. 
Shut your mouth, move your butt. 

Clean up your consumption now. Your future self will thank you for it. Blah, blah, blah... 

This time of year, we hear all the tips and tricks to make better choices at the snack and dinner tables. But what if I told you I wasn’t talking about food above…

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A Case of the Mondays
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

A Case of the Mondays

Do you often struggle with a case of the Mondays?

Read on for our top tips on how to make Mondays work for you instead of against you!

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Let’s Breathe Together
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Let’s Breathe Together

It’s been a week, right?

It seems like we could all use some reminders about how to take care of our mental health - especially now that we survived the election, and the holidays are also approaching.

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Oh no… leftover Halloween candy!
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Oh no… leftover Halloween candy!

With Halloween last night and all the spooky events happening this week… it's hard to resist the sweet treat temptation! When you see that bowl of candy, your heart says yes, but your goals say noooo! But there's good news - you can have your cake and eat it too. ;) Here are some healthy alternatives to help you and your family enjoy the sugar-filled season without the guilt.

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Get Fit in Style
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Get Fit in Style

Today we want to discuss a topic that we know is super important to our clients, and really everyone who frequently works out and that is: what to wear to the gym.

It can be pretty tough to decide, right? You want to be comfortable and be able to move, of course. Studies have shown when you look good, you feel better and more confident. Exercise is hard enough and we have so many stories in our heads about ourselves and our bodies. Sometimes having to stand in front of the mirror in a fitness class can be challenging. So finding your best fit in clothing that makes you feel good about yourself is a good start.

Read on to see our top tips for choosing the right workout clothes for you.

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How Fitness Wearables Improve Your Results
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

How Fitness Wearables Improve Your Results

Smart watches and fitness wearables are so popular these days - it seems like almost everyone is wearing one. And they are for so much more than just taking phone calls on your wrist or giving you directions so you don’t get lost on your run.

A huge benefit of fitness wearables is their ability to track your biometrics. This data lets you know what areas of your health and wellness need more of your attention and which areas you are already doing well. The three most popular fitness trackers are the FitBit, the health functions within the Apple Watch, and the Oura ring.

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From Chore to Choice: Simple Ways to Get Started
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

From Chore to Choice: Simple Ways to Get Started

We often see living a healthy lifestyle as a herculean task or as a chore we should complete, but don’t really want to. This way of thinking allows us to make excuses for why we can’t do anything. Common rationalizations people use to avoid starting a wellness regimen I’m sure you’ve heard:

I’m so tired with work and family responsibilities… 
If I had the right shoes or equipment I could workout, but…
I want to eat healthier but I don’t have the time/money…

One thing I know for certain is that being unhealthy takes up a lot more time and money; so we have a choice to make.

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