Is it possible to NOT age?

Has anyone - usually while groaning and grabbing their lower back - said to you, “Don’t get old?”

Pretty crap advice, right? The alternative is… well, it’s not great.

You know what they mean. Technically, they mean don’t age. Which also seems unlikely if not impossible, right?

Well, it turns out not aging IS possible. And we’re going to tell you how. Ready?

It’s strength training. Honestly, the answer is nearly always strength training.

Here’s why.

As we age, we lose bone density (among other things, like our hair color, eyesight, and ability to put up with bullpoopy). Losing bone density is an issue, especially for women, whose bones can start to become more brittle around 40 years as our bodies start to produce less estrogen.

Being a woman is simply not for the weak, is it? 

But never fear, because there are things you can do to combat loss of bone density and it's not just to drink more milk.

So how does strength training impact your bones? Strength training builds muscle. Your bones that are connected to the working muscle, are impacted and strengthened. That means you have to do more than just walking and you have to lift more than 5lb dumbbells to protect your bones. It’s also important to do back, shoulder, and core exercises to build postural muscles. We are constantly fighting gravity so building muscular strength to stand up straight is critical.

Additionally, increasing your overall strength improves your balance. It’s never fun to fall, and it’s dangerous for all of us, but especially as we get older - it’s so much easier for your bones to just snap. That is a scary thought. And then it can take FOREVER for them to heal. So more strength means more balance and more balance means less chance of falling.

Now the next part of this email is just for women - but men, if you’ve stuck with us this far, strength training is for you, too! So get out there and pick heavy things up then put them down. (Need to learn how to do this safely? We have personal training- it offers safe and effective techniques!)

Now that it's just us ladies, I want to extend a special invitation to our 6-week WOMEN ONLY intensive version of our Anti-Aging ReVITALize program beginning May 1st, 2024.

The program is usually 12 weeks, but we’ve created a special 6-week version just for you to help you prepare to bare those shoulders and thighs on the beach just in time for summer.

The program will guide you through ALL aspects of aging and how to do it vibrantly, and energetically, and allow you to truly embody the phrase, “age is just a number.” You won’t be out there grabbing your back and telling her friends and family, “don’t get old.” You’ll be racing them up the stairs, annoying them with your positive energy and enthusiasm, and looking the best in your bathing suit on the beach. 

The program focuses on the six pillars to healthy living: mindset, food, movement, breath, rest and self-care.


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