All About Carbs - The Good, the Bad, and the Necessary
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

All About Carbs - The Good, the Bad, and the Necessary

It seems like not that long ago everyone was on a “no carb” diet. But if you asked them, “well, what’s a carbohydrate?” they would most likely say things like bread and pasta. Those are not the only ones. So we want to take a few minutes to dispel a myth we hear ALL the time.

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Staying Fit Through Summer
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Staying Fit Through Summer

Take this as your sign. Time will keep passing - it won't wait for you. Use the tips below to start now or to keep your fitness routine going strong over the summer months.

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Use Your Smart Watch to Support Your Goals
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Use Your Smart Watch to Support Your Goals

Smart watches are so popular these days - it seems like almost everyone is wearing one. And there are so many uses! From taking phone calls on your wrist to giving you directions so you don’t get lost on your run, your watch can do almost anything.

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Benefits of Superfoods
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Benefits of Superfoods

We’ve had food on our minds this week as we wrap up our first ever Eat Clean program! Our participants are loving the program, and in the coming weeks we’ll have some testimonials to share with you. Meanwhile, we want to share some tips for superfoods you can add to your diet. 

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Shake off your Spring Stresses
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

Shake off your Spring Stresses

With the weather getting warmer, vacations and time out of the office coming up, to friend-filled cookouts and lazy beach days… we’re all ready for relaxation and rejuvenation. However, even the easy-breezy spring and summer months can be affected by the everyday stresses of life. Too much stress can cause elevated cortisol levels that can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, and weight gain. 

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World Meditation Day
Melanie Weigel Melanie Weigel

World Meditation Day

The world around us is a turbulent place, and it isn't easy to find a moment of peace during the day, but May 20th is World Meditation Day, and this is a call to participate in this age-old practice.

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Movement Meditation - When You Can’t Sit Still
Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative

Movement Meditation - When You Can’t Sit Still

When you picture meditation, you probably imagine a person sitting with their legs crossed and eyes closed. While this may be a “traditional” meditation pose, it is certainly not the only way to meditate.

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Be Like Water
Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative

Be Like Water

Over recent years, interest in meditation has increased. Academics have written books, athletes have included it in their training regimens and psychologist have begun to recommend it to their patients. Regardless of its popularity though, we believe there is a strong case for adding it to our self-care practices.

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Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative


Priest makes it look so easy, right? But the rest of us mortals know it isn’t quite that easy to “just relax.”

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Arthur Ashe + a Fun Fact!</a>
Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative

Arthur Ashe + a Fun Fact!

Today on our social media accounts we shared a quote from tennis legend Arthur Ashe. If you haven’t heard of Ashe, you have almost certainly heard this quote:

 “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” 

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An Exercise in Mindfulness</a>
Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative

An Exercise in Mindfulness

Friday, August the 6th, is Cycle to Work Day. So, grab a helmet and mix up that morning commute, or if you're working from home, take a break and head out to the park for a spin.

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Training for a Strongman Competition</a>
Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative

Training for a Strongman Competition

In the Fall of 2020, a friend suggested we train with another friend for a Strongman competition. My literal laugh out loud was no deterrent. Once the holidays passed and vaccines rolled out, I found myself in a Brooklyn gym surrounded by Atlas Stones, kegs and axle bars.

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Water is Life
Cowbird Creative Cowbird Creative

Water is Life

Despite everything we know about how critical water is, statistics show that most adults do not drink enough, and some admit to not drinking any water at all!

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